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Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices or the outward structure of Hindu / Muslim societies to any appreciable extent. Comment.

Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices or the outward structure of Hindu / Muslim societies to any appreciable extent. Comment. (2014, 10M)

Part of a series on Islam (Sufi)

Answer: There is no denying Sufism’s influence on Indian society and culture. However, despite the radical concepts and ideas that the Sufi saints brought to Indian civilization, their long-term influence on the deeply ingrained traditions of both Islam and Hinduism was little. However, a study of these saints’ effects shows that they did not significantly alter the social structure. This could be due to:

  • Discriminatory practices like the caste and class systems persisted in Muslim and Hindu communities.
  • Due to Sufism’s pantheistic outlook and focus on love, repentance, peace, and renunciation, its mystical beliefs were in constant conflict with the orthodox components of Islam.
  • Numerous Hindu customs were also promoted by sufism. Although Sufism’s teachings were applicable to Hindus, the religion as a whole did not undergo any significant shift as a result.
  • The Sufi saints and Bhakti saints did not form institutional structures. The saints’ lineage could not last for very long without organisation.

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