You are currently viewing Gandhara sculpture owed as much to the Romans as to the Greeks. Explain. (2014, MARKS 10)
Gandhara sculpture owed as much to the Romans as to the Greeks. Explain.

Gandhara sculpture owed as much to the Romans as to the Greeks. Explain. (2014, MARKS 10)

Answer: A school of art and culture has emerged in the Kushanas Gandhra area. Because it draws inspiration from both Roman and Greek civilization, it is often referred to as Indo-Greek art. The majority of the sculptures have Buddhist themes. Other Indo-Roman influences on sculpture can be seen, for example, in:

Roman influence on Gandhara sculptures:

  • Some of the features of Roman art that can observed in Gandhara include vine scrolls and garlands etc.
  • Dresses of Buddha also related with Roman empire.
  • Through Roman symbols like triton, the legend of Buddha is occasionally depicted.
  • The custom of representing Buddha as a human is influenced by Roman anthropomorphic art.

Greek influence on Gandhara sculptures:

  • Buddha is represented as Greek Sun God Apollo in most of the sculpture.
  • Some of the Greek characteristics of Gandhara sculpture are a graceful face, wavy hair, beard, a big forehead, and large ears.
  • Buddha pictures found in Gandhara have an Apollo-like face, natural realism, and waves in their hair that are reminiscent of Hellenistic heritage.

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