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How to set right strategy to write answers in IAS exam

How to set right strategy to write answers in IAS exam

Indian Administrative Service

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) exam is considered to be one of the toughest competitive exams in India. The exam requires not only hard work and dedication but also the right strategy for dealing with questions and writing answers. In this article, we will look at how to implement the right  IAS exam answer writing strategy.

Understanding the Exam Structure and Syllabus:

The first step in finding the right strategy is to understand the exam structure and syllabus. This will help you understand the structure of the exam, the types of questions asked, and the areas to focus on. Familiarize yourself with the different parts of the exam and what they mean. This helps allocate time and resources appropriately.

 Develop a curriculum:

Once you have a thorough understanding of the exam structure and syllabus, the next step is to develop a curriculum. Create a realistic schedule that covers the entire program and allows time for review and practice. Be sure to include both the theoretical and practical aspects of each topic.

Concentrate on writing answers:

On the IAS exam, the quality of your answers plays a key role in determining your score. Therefore, you need to focus on developing good writing skills. Practice writing your answers regularly, and include relevant examples, data, and facts to support your arguments. Also pay attention to language, grammar and structure.

 Time Management:

Time management is key to passing the IAS exam. Take your time with each section and rank the questions in order of importance and difficulty. Don’t spend too much time on a specific question or section as this could lead to a lack of time towards the end.

 Review Regularly:

Review is important to retain the information and concepts you have learned. Remember to check regularly and focus on areas that need improvement. Practice writing answers to last year’s questionnaires and gather feedback from your mentors to improve your writing skills.

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