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How difficult would have been the achievement of Indian independence without Mahatma Gandhi? Discuss.

How difficult would have been the achievement of Indian independence without Mahatma Gandhi? Discuss. (2015, 12.5M)

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi Ji was great leader and he sacrificed his four decades for serving country even he spent many years in jail. He frequently continued fasts until the point of death throughout the liberation movement and had successful results. There were many freedom Fighters both sung and unsung who served his/her whole life for struggling for freedom. Numerous historians have cited factors other than Gandhi’s leadership as the cause of Indian independence. Some reason which affect Indian independence without Gandhi are:

  • He was a central figure in the Indian national movement. He advocated for nonviolence. Gandhi was the first leader to employ nonviolence as a tool to achieve Swaraj, despite the fact that it has been a hallmark of Indian civilization since the time of Buddha. This gave the war effort against the powerful British Empire a strong moral foundation.
  • Under him many people joined the freedom movement and various revaluations movement like salt movement, Quit India Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement Champaran Satyagraha etc. In these movement large masses of the people joined under the shade of Gandhi.
  • Our country would have been further polarised on a caste and communal basis if Gandhiji had not been there.
  • Gandhi movements also was a nation building process. Where he successfully achieved massive support from the people of India. Without Gandhi its very difficult to bundled peoples.
  • Without Gandhiji, there is no doubt that the beliefs of those who supported harsh and aggressive tactics and spoke out along communal lines may have prevailed.
  • Without Gandhiji’s efforts, the Indian independence movement would not have resulted in the foundation of a liberal democratic state that upheld the rights of all people. The Indian liberation struggle had a strong communal overtone.

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