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Highlight the Central Asian and Greco -Bactrian elements in Gandhara art.

Highlight the Central Asian and Greco -Bactrian elements in Gandhara art.

Gandhara in South Asia

The Gandharan region was a crossroads of cultures due to its placement along the historic “silk route.” Gandhara was a Persian King Darius I’s realm in the sixth century BCE. Gandhara was conquered by Alexander the Great some 200 years later.

  • In the first century Gandhara come under the Kushana empire. Peoples emigrants from Asia to Gandhara and their other parts, in addition Gandhara most of the part now exist on Pakistan.
  • To show the stylistic and iconographic connections and differences between these cultures, a selection of Gandharan artwork is displayed in this section of the exhibition alongside pieces from the Roman and Indian empires.
  • Both in terms of how it is drawn and that it is a male figure, this river god is modelled after Roman examples. In Indian culture, rivers are always represented by feminine figures.
  • This pendant, which was most likely initially an earring, was created by a craftsman using exquisite granulation, gold filigree, and inlaid turquoise. A centre piece in the form of an amphora separates a pair of erotes mounted on ketoi (sea monsters).

These are some significant evidences which connect Central Asian and Greco-Bactrian elements.

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