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Indian philosophy and tradition played a significant role in conceiving and shaping the monuments and their art in India. Discuss.

Indian philosophy and tradition played a significant role in conceiving and shaping the monuments and their art in India. Discuss. (UPSC 2019, 15 MARKS)

Answer: All Civilization and Culture mostly influenced by philosophy and tradition. Indus civilization is most significant example of Indian tradition and culture.

  • Chess board based planning was available in Harappan civilization which is example of philosophical thinking of peoples.
  • The Varna system is also one of the significant examples having a great influence on Indian philosophy.
  • Buddhist religious reforms and philosophy made Chaitra and Vihara a norm of monastic life.
  • In the period of Chola most of the temples was in centre of the villages or town for societal communication and other economic activities.
  • Most of the traditional dances like Manipuri, Odissi find their philosophical moorings in Vaishnavism.
  • During the Freedom moment art responded to the call of Swadeshi as in paintings.
  • In the 18th century, the British first became involved in India and set up art schools to promote European designs. In order to appeal to European purchasers, native artforms were frequently romanticised or exaggerated, and regional art styles mixed with foreign influences.
  • It was customary to stage the traditional music and dance performances. The kambalam, the venue for such performances, is a distinctive feature of Keralan temples.
  • In addition, the tradition of Vastu sastra connected with the divine forces, together with the ideas underlying its concepts, is the empirical basis for identifying the architectural style with which many of these temples were constructed.

Read Also: Highlight the Central Asian and Greco -Bactrian elements in Gandhara art.

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